The stay got better with a Birthday bash for my friend Kina on Friday, it was nice to catch up with old friends. And also when my cousin's business associates decided to take a trip down the California coast to a colleagues land near Pigeon Point light house. Although I couldn't capture it properly in the photo below of my cousin and her colleague, the views were amazing. The owners were in the planning process of redoing the property, formerly owned by Joan Baez, and were surrounded by protected lands. They had practically a lavender farm and although on a hill, the crash of the waves were ever so loud upon your ears.

Later we scooted back for a great city meal at Bob's and drinks at the Globe.
The following day, my aunt and parents wanted to show my cousin a bit of the wine country so we went to Healdsburg. I very nice town in the heart of the Sonoma wine country. They have a number of tasting rooms, a somewhat faster less 'get in your car and tour' alternative to wineries.
We stopped at the Gallo tasting rooms and had oysters and great fish at Willi's restaurant.
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